
Operating across multiple sectors.

This is purchasing, bespoke to your businesses. We provide innovative supply chain solutions to businesses across the UK, specialising in the hospitality, leisure, healthcare, and education sectors. That means you can count on us for industry expertise, and optimisations that deliver on their promises.
From food and non-food purchasing solutions via our robust supplier network to specialist food management consultancy, we provide all our services with the particular demands of your sector in mind.


A fast-paced, dynamic, and ever-growing field, hospitality demands a robust, reliably, and highly responsive supply chain. We provide purchasing solutions that fit the bill, adapt to the latest food trends, and deliver plenty more besides.



From stadiums to golf clubs to spas and much, much more, the UK leisure sector is highly varied. With experience working with a diverse range of businesses in this thriving field, we provide the solutions no one else can, and deliver true value for your venues.


Social Care

We work with care homes and other healthcare organisations across the UK, optimising the supply of food and non-food, and supporting the delivery of food services. Whether you’re looking to achieve new efficiencies or adapt your menu for changing patient needs, our specialist team can help.

Social Care


Educational institutions need a robust and reliable supply of food and non-food to fuel their brightest minds. Trusted partner of universities, schools, and nurseries across the country, we understand the particular considerations of this sector, and deliver the value it demands.
